Uniting is proud to offer people-centered NDIS services to people in the Perth and Albany regions. If you are between seven and 64 years old, call the local associate coordinator in your local government area. They will be your main point of contact with the NDIS. If you have a child under the age of seven with a developmental delay or disability, call the early childhood partner in your local government area.
We want to ensure that you achieve your unique goals by providing you with the best possible service in a way that fits your needs. We want to help you have better control of your independence. That could mean moving out of the family home, learning new skills, getting a job, or simply joining the local soccer team. NDIS support is not transferable, especially since each individualized plan is customized based on the NDIS evaluation.
When fully operational, the NDIS will provide funding for services and support to some 460,000 Australians under the age of 65 who have a permanent and significant disability. The NDIS provides reasonable and necessary funding to people with a permanent and significant disability to access the supports and services they need to live and enjoy life. Our goal is to simplify the process by providing up-to-date information and guidance from the start of your NDIS application to the services you receive. Sovereign Lives Victoria is an NDIS provider in Perth that provides services to people with disabilities and their families.
If it is necessary to stop or stop the program, contact your service provider and inform the NDIS for confirmation. The NDIS or National Disability Insurance Plan is an initiative of the Australian Government to provide the necessary care and support services to people with disabilities. Visit the NDIS for the fact sheet on “What happens when NDIS mental health service providers report an incident”. The NDIA makes decisions about who can access the NDIS based on the information you provide about your disability and the impact it has on your daily life.
We have created a pre-NDIS planning guide to facilitate meaningful conversations with your NDIS planner. The NDIS can provide all people with disabilities with information and connections to services in their communities, such as doctors, sports clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, as well as information about the support provided by each state and territorial government.