Service agreements help ensure that the participant and provider have the same expectations about what supports will be provided and how they will be provided. You cannot work in an NDIS risk assessment function until you have received an authorization from the NDIS, unless you are subject to a transitional agreement. More information and legislation on service contracts can be found on the website of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. Your NDIS authorization status will be recorded in the NDIS National Commission's Worker Selection Database (NWSD), external link.
The NDIS Worker Selection Control (NDIS Check) is an important part of the Framework that works with other components to support the dignity, safety and well-being of NDIS participants. Some people will need to obtain an authorization from the NDIS and an authorization from the WWC, as they can engage in child-related work as part of their role in the NDIS. If you have an authorization from the NDIS and your role in the NDIS involves work related to children, you must also have an authorization from the WWC or have requested a check from the WWC. If you have an authorization from the NDIS and you have already paid your WWC check, necessary for your position in the NDIS, you can request a refund by filling out the following refund request form.
Once you have completed your request, the provider or participant you designate will receive a notification from the NDIS Commission stating that they have 30 days to verify your request. The NDIS Check is a way to ensure that people who work with NDIS participants do not pose an unacceptable risk to participants. The website of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission contains quick reference guides for using worker selection portals (external link). The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has information to help businesses, including non-profit organizations that provide goods or services to consumers with disabilities or to NDIS participants.
Your NDIS authorization status will be recorded in the NDIS National Commission's Worker Selection Database (NWSD). If you are granted an exclusion from the NDIS, you will not be able to request an NDIS check again for five years from the date of notification, unless your circumstances change. The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) is responsible for regulating suppliers in all states and territories. Do not notify the department, in writing, within 7 days of a material change in circumstances while you are in possession of an authorization from the NDIS or you have requested an authorization from the NDIS.
You can download a flow chart of the NDIS worker selection application process from the NDIS Commission website. External link.