Can i get a trampoline with ndis funding?

No, we don't normally fund this equipment to support a child with a developmental delay or a disability. This is because you are not likely to meet our criteria. This is because our criteria that “support is, or can be, effective and beneficial to the participant” are not likely to be met, taking into account current good practices. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency whose function is to implement the National Disability Insurance Plan (NDIS).).

The NDIS supports a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and caregivers. The NDIS will mean peace of mind for all Australians, for anyone who has or can acquire a disability. Trampolines can be a valuable tool for the therapy of children with autism and sensory integration disorders, and the NDIS has approved funding for Springfree Trampoline in the healthcare and recreational equipment category. The request for NDIS funding may depend on how manage your plan.

Trampolines can be a valuable tool for therapy for children with autism and sensory integration disorders. You will be connected to an NDIS representative called an Early Childhood Partner, who will meet with you to discuss and evaluate your child's needs and then develop an NDIS plan. Requirements for access to the NDIS include the availability of the NDIS in your area, age, state of residence, disability, and early intervention requirements (if applicable). Once your NDIS professional fully understands your child's disability, they will work with you and develop an NDIS plan for your child.

For children between 0 and 6 years old with developmental problems, you can contact an early childhood partner through the NDIS website and this partner can tailor support for you and your child as part of the NDIS Early Childhood Intervention (ECEI) program.

Lucy Williams
Lucy Williams

Subtly charming pop culture scholar. Subtly charming social media scholar. Avid travel junkie. Web junkie. Unapologetic social media maven. Wannabe music lover.

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